RFSU's partners in Kenya oppose the SRHR backlash
Despite uncertainties about the continued funding from Sida for RFSU's international activities, the work continues as planned in 2024. In Kenya, two large organisations have been phased out to make room for three new, smaller ones. RFSU recently organised a meeting with all Kenyan partner organisations in Nairobi.
"It felt very hopeful. Those of our partners who have been involved for a while were happy to meet new, young organisations. For the new ones, it felt good to have support from those who are knowledgeable in law and advocacy," says Carolina Poggio, Programme Manager for Kenya at RFSU.
Involuntarily pregnant girls drop out of school
One of the new organisations is Zamara Foundation, which works with SRHR issues at a local level. Among other things, they support girls who have become involuntarily pregnant and have therefore dropped out of school.
“There are many reasons for the so-called forced pregnancies: lack of sex education, no possibility of abortion and poor access to contraceptives. Zamara has a special programme for young girls where they receive sex education and learn about their body rights," says Ilot Muthaka, who is also RFSU's programme manager for Kenya.
Condom shortage across the country
Ilot Muthaka explains that there is a condom shortage throughout Kenya, caused by reduced government resources in SRHR and cuts from UNFPA and others. The shortage not only leads to unwanted pregnancies, it also increases HIV cases. In fact, while HIV continues to decline in the general population, it is increasing among young people aged 14-19. The condom shortage itself leads to a decrease in knowledge about protection.
“Young people do not know what condoms are and do not have access to them.”
Another new organisation for RFSU is the Feminists for Peace Rights and Justice Center. This is a collective of young feminists that emerged after several people were sexually assaulted in Kenya's Kibera slum. They have now set up a centre in the area where they provide support, training and shelter for three people at a time.
“The organisation is strongly rooted in the most vulnerable part of the population. They are now focusing on developing their organisation, expanding their office and perhaps acquiring a computer. With an extended cooperation after 2024, RFSU could contribute even more," says Carolina Poggio.
They want to improve sex education
RFSU's third new partner is the SRHR Alliance, which consists of 19 large and small organisations. In a joint three-year initiative, RFSU and the SRHR Alliance want to work together to improve sex education in Kenya so that it is not only about health but also about pleasure. This will benefit their 19 members, including those whose focus is not SRHR, as well as other RFSU partners.
“Our hope is that we can benefit from the work that RFSU has supported in Liberia on positive sexuality, and perhaps collaborate with our partner organisations there to see how they have dealt with similar challenges. This year, the project will focus on producing content and packaging it to reach different target groups. Here, too, we hope to be able to offer long-term work," says Carolina Poggio.

Opposition to SRHR increases
At the partner meeting, three scenarios were strategically worked out, where one involves continued funding with changed conditions, two involve terminated collaborations and a third the same as we have today. Carolina explains that there is a strong desire amongst the organisation to continue operations, but without cooperation with RFSU it will be more difficult. Opposition to SRHR is increasing in Kenya, as in so many other places in the world. The anti-rights movement has representatives in the government who are influencing policy from within with proposals for new laws and guidelines. A bill will soon be presented - the Family Protection Bill - which, among other things, criminalises homosexuality. It is a law similar to the one that exists in Uganda today and also makes it illegal not to disclose those you know who are homosexual.
“It is important that we support our partners in their advocacy work. This can be done, for example, by influencing the so-called UPR process within the UN when Kenya will be reviewed as a country in a couple of years. We are also working with the Swedish Embassy to see how they can address the issue," says Ilot Muthaka.

Sex quiz sparked engagement
The meeting ended with a shared sense of optimism. The participants had to form different teams across organisations and compete in a sex quiz, inspired by RFSU Gothenburg! This sparked engagement, discussions and a lot of competitive spirit.Partners would like to organise quizzes with their own members as a sex education initiative.
“We all came away from the meeting stronger than we were when we arrived. We are passionate about vital issues and we are strong together," says Carolina Poggio.
Text: Ulrika Hammar
Photo: Carolina Poggio
Some photos from our new partnerorganisations activities below: