Two Lines = Pregnant. Q&A about abortion
About the graphic novel

The graphic novel Two Lines = Pregnant was created by Julia Hansen and published by RFSU. It contains Julia’s own story about her abortion. The story describes how an abortion is done, from Julia taking her first positive pregnancy test until she takes a new test two weeks after the abortion, which is negative.
About the method
This method is based on the graphic novel Two Lines = Pregnant by Julia Hansen. The purpose of the method is to provide knowledge about how an abortion works and how you can feel afterwards, both physically and mentally.
The pupils may have a lot of questions after reading the graphic novel Two Lines = Pregnant. Some might find it difficult to ask the questions openly. You can collect the pupils’ questions in a box and answer them collectively to raise their awareness and reduce their worry.
What to do
Start by reading the graphic novel Two Lines = Pregnant.
In the classroom
Have the pupils read the graphic novel Two Lines = Pregnant. Ask the pupils to write down their questions on paper and collect them to be answered later.
Set aside time to read the questions before answering them. Assess which questions you can and cannot answer. Reformulate them if necessary, if there is a risk that the pupils will work out who wrote what. Do not let the pupils read each other’s questions, because they may recognise the handwriting. Be aware that there may be pupils in the classroom who have had or are about to have an abortion.
You can have the pupils find information on other questions on their own, either by searching online or by interviewing staff at the youth clinic or the school nurse. Another alternative is to invite the youth clinic staff or school nurse to a later lesson to answer the questions.
Examples of questions pupils have asked after reading Two Lines = Pregnant:
- I didn’t think abortion was so easy. Aren’t there cases where it’s more difficult and you’re in hospital?
- When is the earliest time you can find out you’re pregnant and what are the usual symptoms?
- How long do people think about their abortion afterwards?
- Can an abortion make it harder to have children later on?
- Why is abortion illegal in some countries?
- What is the difference between a medical and a surgical abortion?
- I read that you can’t use a tampon after an abortion, why?
- Have people always had abortions (in olden days)? How did they do it in the past?